
Safety and SecurityProduct allergy, nutrition and country of origin information are available on our official website and app. These are easily accessible by using the QR code printed on our product packaging. “Nutritional Balance Check” and “Allergen Search” are useful tools for selecting menu items.* QR code is a registered trademarhttps://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/scale_for_good/our_food/allergy_Nutrition/Allergen Information, Nutrition, Country of OriginAllergen InfoNutrition, CoAllergen InformaAllergen information inclu20 recommended items Food Labeling Act (as of Dis regularly updated to prspecifications and cross-facturing and cooking proinformation on almonds sponse to the revised FooNutritionMcDonald's nutritional indard product specificationutritional analysis based(Food Labeling Act). Also,are based on quotations component 2015 edition Education, Culture, SportCountry of OrigiInformation includes theingredients used in the pof finished goods. The “coingredients” is prepared inLabeling of Country of Orof Agriculture, Forestry anAllergy and Nutrin EnglishThe English version of allefor our products was releLanguage can be selecteicon at the bottom of theFood

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