
formation is based on stan-ns and numerical values of on “food labeling standards” information on some foods from “Japanese food standard (7th edition)” (Ministry of s, Science and Technology). rgy and nutrition information ased in September 2020. d from the “Japanese/English” webpage.k of Denso WaveYou can find information on McDon-ald’s menu items and can calculate (in percentage) your recommended daily nutrition intake. The information includes helpful advice by age and nutrients from managerial dieticians.Allergen search offers information on the use of 28 allergens in foods, based on the disclosed allergen information. Customers may refer to this information when selecting menu items.10https://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/products/nutrition_balance_check/https://www.mcdonalds.co.jp/products/allergy_check/Selected Product: Big Mac, French Fries(M)/ Female/ Age 30-49/ Physical activity level Normalrmation, untry of Originn country of origin of main roduct as well as the country untry of origin of main line with the “Guidelines for igin in Food Service” (Ministry d Fisheries).Nutritional Balance CheckAllergen Searchtiondes 7 mandatory items and for labeling stipulated in the ecember 2020). Information ovide change in raw materials contamination during manu-cesses. In December 2020, was added to the list in re-d Labeling Act.ition Information

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