McD_Sustainability Report En 2021-ebook

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all oers and stakeholders for supporting McDonald’s. ald’s, protecting the wellbeing of our customers aees was our top priority in 2021 as we continued todaily measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19serving meals to our customers.2021 also marked the 50th anniversary of McDonaThis milestone was a good opportunity for us to rehistory as we continue to evolve and meet the necustomers and the changing social climate. We amined to fulfill our social responsibility through ouAcross the McDonald’s System our purpose is to “foster communities.” We are committed to servinhigh-quality meals and giving back to the commua part of. To fulfill our purpose, we strive every daymission and our values.Together with the 190,000 crew and employees thtionwide at our 2,900 restaurants, we will continuethrough a variety of initiatives. Tamotsu HiiroMcDonald’s Company (Japan), Ltd.Representative Director, President and Chief Executive OfficerLetter from CEO 

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